About ConFusion

In addition to being the longest-running fan-run sf/f convention in Michigan, ConFusion is a premier event for publishing professionals and fans alike. It is hailed as a place to experience programming and guests on the caliber you find at a WorldCon, while located in a convenient and affordable setting.

What Folks Have Said About ConFusion

History of ConFusionAASFA-Logo

The Ann Arbor Science Fiction Association is a not-for-profit corporation that grew out of the Stilyagi Air Corps, which itself was a continuation of the University of Michigan Science Fiction Club, founded in the 1970s. The first convention organized by the group was the A2 Relaxacon in 1973, followed by the first ConFusion the following year.

Every year since then, ConFusion has been a cornerstone of the Detroit-area convention scene. AASFA provides guidance and support to the convention, and appoints the ConChair every year. AASFA also sponsors other activities, including a late winter voting party and a summer picnic.

The Stilyagi Air Corps continues as a social organization with an e-mail discussion list and frequent social events.

Past ConFusions

Here is a table of past ConFusions. It includes the title of the con each year, GoHs, Subterranean Guests, and ConChairs.

ConFusion 1974-2018