Friendship Is ConFusion

Saturday8:00 AM8:50 AMThe Third annual Frosty Fun Run/Walk/Crawl/Roll/Gasp/FlailOutsideOne mile of chilly awesomeness! (And, probably, frozen goose poop.) Run, walk, crawl, or roll--it doesn't matter how you make it around the (slightly more than) one mile mostly-sidewalk course, you'll still get a cool badge ribbon! (Sign up at OPs) LITERATURE
Saturday12:00 PM1:50 PMSolar ObservationsOutsideObserve the Sun with Bob Trembley's telescope! You'll be able to see sunspots, prominences, and other surface features with 2 solar-safe telescopes, as well as discuss many other features of our nearest star with Bob.Bob Trembley (M)SCIENCE